
Windows Shortcut Keys

Are you tired of doing things the long way on your computer when there are easier shortcuts available? Windows Shortcut Keys were created just for that reason. Surprisingly, there are over 20 Windows 10 Shortcut Keys that can make your tasks much simpler.

We’ve gathered all the essential Computer Shortcut Keys, covering popular software like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and even Gmail, along with special characters and shortcuts helpful for competitive exams. These shortcuts will make using these applications a breeze.

Let’s dive into some of the most important Keyboard Shortcut Keys for both students and professionals.

Why Use Windows Shortcut Keys?

  • Efficiency: Quickly open any operation with a press of keys.
  • Multitasking: Seamlessly switch between different applications.
  • Time-saving: Cut down on the time needed for various operations.
  • Simplicity: Avoid long paths by using shortcuts directly.

READ MORE: Turn Off Google Password Manager in Chrome

Most Used Windows Shortcut Keys

Let’s explore these Shortcut Keys categorized for easy reference. We’ll start with those utilizing the Control Key (CTRL).

1. Ctrl Key Shortcuts:

Combination of KeysFunction
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + BBold The Text
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + DBookmark The Page
Ctrl + EDisplay Address Bar
Ctrl + FFind File or Text
Ctrl + GGo To Function
Ctrl + HOpen History
Ctrl + IMake Text Italics
Ctrl + JOpen Downloads
Ctrl + KInsert Hyperlinks
Ctrl + LText Justification
Ctrl + MMake New Slides
Ctrl + NOpen New Application Window
Ctrl + OOpen a File
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + QClose Microsoft Powerpoint
Ctrl + RReload The Page
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + TOpen a New Tab
Ctrl + UUnderline Text
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + WClose Program or Window
Ctrl + XCut Text
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + ZUndo

2. Windows Key Shortcuts:

Combination of KeysFunction
Windows Key + DShow/Hide Desktop
Windows Key + EOpen File Explorer
Windows Key + FSearch File
Windows Key + GOpen Game Bar
Windows Key + IOpen Settings
Windows Key + LLock Your Computer
Windows Key + NOpen MS-Note One
Windows Key + ROpen Run Dialog Box
Windows Key + SOpen Search
Windows Key + TOpen Apps on Taskbar
Windows Key + UOpen Ease of Access Center
Windows Key + VOpens Clipboard app
Windows Key + XOpen Quick Link Menu
Windows + TabOpen Task view
Windows Key + Left arrow / Right arrowSwap windows
Windows Key + PrtScScreenshot
Windows Key + , (Comma)Peek at the Desktop
Windows key + . (Period)Open the Emoji Panel

3. Function Key Shortcuts:

Combination of KeysFunction
F1Help Window
F2Rename Selected Object
F3Open Search Box
F4Display Address Bar List
F5Refresh Page
F6Cycle Through Screen Elements
F7Spell and Grammar Checks
F8Extend Selection
F9Update Field
F10Activate Menu Bar
F11Toggle Full Screen
F12Open “Save As” Dialog

4. Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

Combination of KeysFunction
ALT + FFile Menu Options
ALT + EOpen Edit Options
ALT + TABSwitch Between Programs
SHIFT + DELCut Selected Item
HOMEGo to Beginning of Line
CTRL + HOMEGo to Beginning of Document
ENDGo to End of Line
CTRL + ENDGo to End of Document
SHIFT + HOMEHighlight to Beginning of Line
SHIFT + ENDHighlight to End of Line
CTRL + LEFT ARROWMove One Word Left
CTRL + RIGHT ARROWMove One Word Right
CTRL + ESCOpen Start Menu
CTRL + SHIFT + ESCOpen Task Manager
ALT + F4Close Active Program
ALT + ENTEROpen Properties

These shortcuts can greatly simplify your tasks on your device and various applications. Just remember the combinations, and you’ll be navigating like a pro in no time. But be cautious, pressing the wrong keys might cause errors.


Addy is a seasoned blogger, web developer, and owner of Advik Advertising. With a decade of experience, he crafts captivating websites and digital strategies. Contact Addy for web development and digital marketing services at or visit

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